Acne and scars

Types Of Acne Scars

In order to treat the right kind of acne scar that you may have, it’s important to identify the ones that you have. Certain treatments are only suitable for certain scars.

How Acne Scars Form

Scar tissues contain the same tissue property as undamaged skin. The difference in appearance lies how the fibers are aligned. Normally, skin tissue has skin fibers aligned in every direction, while your scars are usually aligned in one direction.
Acne scars fall into two main categories:
Atrophic - Known as tissues loss within the skin.
This condition happens when your body cannot produce enough skin tissue in one area to replace skin cells that were damaged from inflammation. As a result, missing tissue is seen.
Hypertrophic - Known as an overabundance of tissue.
This condition occurs when your body produced more than enough skin cell in an area. Your skin may have enough collagen to heal an existing scar already. As a result, a lump of skin is formed due too overproduction.
Followed by these two main categories are four sub categories types of acne scars: ice pick, boxcar, rolling, and keloid scars.
The skin tissue has three main layers: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis.
The epidermis is the outer skin layer, which you see. The thinnest area on your body is your eyelids (which is around .05mm).
The dermis is below the epidermis. This is the layer that holds all the blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, collagen and sweat glands. This is also the area that you would want to penetrate in order to stimulate collagen reproduction. Temperature
The dermis is around 1.5mm to 4mm thick depending on body location.
The hypodermis is the deep tissue of skin layer below the dermis. Temperature control is the main job of this tissue while padding the body with fat.
It should be notes that you should not penetrate the skin this far down.

Boxcar Scars

Boxcar acne scarsAppearance: Boxcar is often rounded shape or an oval depression with raised sides. It can be seen as similar to chickenpox scars and are usually wider than ice picks. They appear to be indented into the skin, usually around the cheek and temple.
Development: Boxcar scars are developed when inflammatory breakout destroys tissue and causes tissue loss. Because of this, depression around the area is created, which then becomes large enough to form into boxcar scars.
Treatments Available: Subcision; Fractionated Laser; Chemical Peels; Microdermabrasion; Punch Technique; Dermarolling/Dermastamping
Note: Some people find that chemical peels and microdermabrasion will not help for deep boxcar scars. Result will vary from person to person.

Keloid Scars

Hypertrophic and Keloid ScarsAppearance: Keloid are scars raised above the skin that holds dense tissue of the skin. They generally grow larger than the original wound and are usually rubbery.
Development: Keloid scars are not loss of tissue, but rather an overabundance of collagen. They usually grow a little bit flat over time.
Treatments Available: Cortisone Injections; Laser; Silicone Sheets; Chemotherapy

Ice Pick Scars

Icepicks acne scarsAppearance: Ice pick is usually one of the common occurring acne scars. This type of scar is seen as a deep pit and is very narrow, extending all the way into the dermis. The name ‘ice pick’ is given because it seems to make a small deep hole.
Development: Ice pick is usually caused from an infection of cyst acne (comedone specificially) and other deep blemishes. What happens is that bacteria multiplies inside the block follicle, causing inflammation to go deep down the skin. Skin tissue is generally removed from all of this activity, which causes a pick-like look.
Treatments Available: Dermabrasion; Punch Excision; Laser; Individual Needling

Rolling Scars

Rolling acne scarsAppearance: Rolling scar is seen as a wave-like appearance on the skin. This is due to their wide structure of tissues developing between the skin’s surfaces and beneath.
Development: Rolling scars develop between the skin and hypodermis below. Because of this, tissues pull the epidermis deeper within the skin that creates the rolling appearance.
Treatments Available: Dermabrasion, Micro-Needling, Subscision; Dermarolling / Dermastamping
Shockman, Soloman, Kapila V. Paghdal, and George Cohen. “Medical and Surgical Management of Keloids: A Review.” Journal of Drugs in Dermatology 9.10 Oct. 2010: 1249-1257.
Alam M, Dover JS. “Treatment of Acne Scarring.” Skin Therapy Letter. Dec 2006-Jan 2007; 11(10).
Goodman GJ, Baron JA. “The management of post-acne scarring.” Dermatologic Surgery. Oct 2007; 33(10):1175-1188.
Jacob CI, Dover JS, Kaminer MS. “Acne scarring: a classification system and review of treatment options.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2001; 45(1): 109-117.

Why does acne scars happen?

It is to be said by dermatologists that family hereditary plays an important role in whether an individual will likely develop acne scars after the healing stage. While some may not scar easily, others may due to this. An increase in the likelihood of developing acne scars may depend on the severity of acne.
Acne should always be treated and not be left on its own. This is the number one reason why dermatologists recommend that any person treat their acne as soon as it appears, as this prevents any further acne from happening or scars developing. Waiting for acne to heal its own does not benefit the skin and often cause scarring.

What is the best treatment for acne scars?

There is no such thing as a single treatment for all acne scars. Scarring comes in four different forms that can be read here. Each scar has a specific treatment that can be done in order to effectively remove it.
Keep in mind that it depending on how severe the acne scarring, some may require a few treatments while others may require multiples.

Are over-the-counter treatments effective as prescribed?

Often times, over-the-counter products are not as strong as the prescribed medication. With that said, there are non-prescribed topical such as vitamin C, retinol, and skin peel that will promote the growth of new collagen.
There are also other treatments like chemical peels and home remedies surgery like dermarolling and dermastamping that are known to help boxcar and rolling scars effectively.

Can I do surgical procedure at home?

Yes, there are some surgical treatments that you can do at the comfort of your own home, but there is not many. Some of these surgical treatments have already been mentioned but they are: dermaroller, dermastamper and chemical peels.
It is recommended that you look up these treatments to see if they are suited for your type of scar. Not all of the home treatment mentioned can treat scars like ice picks and keloid scars.
Rivera AE. “Acne scarring: a review and current treatment modalities.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology October 2008; 59: 659-76.
Jacob CI, Dover JS, Kaminer MS. “Acne scarring: a classification system and review of treatment options.” Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyJuly 2001; 45: 109-17.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a vital form of protein that exists in humans and mammals. It helps replace and build bodily tissues like bones, tendons, muscles, skin cells, and ligaments. Collagen is responsible for keeping our body from tearing down by giving it strength and firmness.
Older people generally lack collagen production, thus you may often see wrinkles from their skin.
By stimulating collagen production in the skin, it leads to greater healing ability and a more youthful appearance.
Stimulating the collagen production is a must for anyone who has skin and/or tissue damage or those who wishes to treat their acne scars.

How Collagen Works

Whenever tissue tears down, there is a natural response from the body to increase its collagen level to aid the injury. Any tissue damage may include burns, cut, or stretch of the skin.
Whenever these situations occur, collagen responds by plumping up the tissue of the skin, restoring elasticity and making the tissue even more firm and flexible than how it was previously. As a result, smoothness and firmness occurs above the skin.

How Collagen Can Help

There are many benefits when it comes to the role of collagen. One of the reasons to stimulate its production is to help improve the connective tissue, whether it is from skin burns, wrinkles, or acne scars.
Whenever these skin injuries occur, it cannot be healed by itself because the skin cells are unable to support the tissues internally. Skin cells no longer have the ability to connect to each other, which is a result of skin imperfections.
Collagen is the main responsibility for connecting tissues together. Without it, cells will not be able to be linked, or jointed together to form tissues.
These tissues in medical terms are also known as the dermis, which is between the epidermis and subcutaneous tissues. Collagen is the result of how the dermis is structured.

How to Increase Collagen

Through Products

Collagen can be stimulated through using products that signals the body to increase its collagen production.
Using anti-aging products is one way to rebuild your skin structure as well. Many of them contain ingredients that help stimulate the regeneration of collagen and elasticity.
Other natural product to help with collagen production is vitamin C.
In fact, this essential nutrient (vitamin C) is the main amino acid that is required for the process of collagen to form. Without vitamin C, a serious defect will prevent collagen from being produced correctly. As a result, formation within connective tissue will deteriorate.
For a better and healthier level of collagen, it is highly recommended that individuals apply creams that contain vitamin C. It is the main manufacture for many internal processes, and without it, collagen production would not be possible.

Through Surgeries

When skin injuries happen (e.g. a cut or burn), the body signals itself to increases collagen production naturally.
Through any skin surgery, the main focus is to do enough micro damage to where the body will recognize it as an injury and increase production of the collagen. As the same time, there must be caution when doing so. Too much damage will have a counter effect of the purpose of skin remodeling.
Breaking tissue below the skin can be done through laser treatments, individual needling, dermarolling, dermastamping, and injections.
By resorting to a combination of products and surgery, collagen will be in abundance. As a result, skin healing itself will be much more effectively.

Skin Tightening & Contouring Thermage – Without Surgery

The Thermage procedure is the only non-invasive treatment that delivers tighter skin, renewed facial contours and healthier collagen. (Collagen is the building block that provides structure to your skin.) The Thermage procedure is available only in the offices of qualified physicians who specialize in cosmetic procedures. Your physician is your best information resource for determining how this treatment will most benefit you.

What is the Thermage Procedure?

The Thermage procedure employs a patented capacitive radiofrequency (CRF) technology called TheraCool1™. It has been clinically proven to tighten and gently lift skin to smooth out wrinkles and renew facial contours. The incision-free procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be proffered on patients of all skin types. The ThermaCool device has been cleared by the FDA for the noninvasive treatment of facial wrinkles and rhytids.

How does it work?

The ThermaCool device uses a sophisticated treatment tip called ThermaTip™, which delivers a controlled amount of CRF energy.With each touch to the skin, the ThermaTip device uniformly heals a large volume of collagen in the deeper layers of the skin and its underlying tissue while simultaneously protecting the outer layer of the skin with cooling. The deep uniform healing action causes deep structures in your skin to immediately tighten. Over time, new and remodeled collagen is produced to further tighten skin, resulting in healthier, smoother skin and more youthful appearance.

What does the Thermage Procedure feel like?

With each touch of the ThermaTip device, you’ will experience a brief, deep healing sensation as the RF energy as delivered to your skin and underlying tissue. This deep healing sensation is your indication that your collagen is reaching effective temperatures for tightening. The physician controls the amount of energy delivered to balance procedural comfort with maximum results. The ThermaTip device is cooled before, during, and after healing to protect your skin and make the treatment more comfortable. Additionally, your physician may also prescribe relaxants.

When will I see results?

Recently published studies conducted by Thermage show that measurable tightening improvements appear gradually over 2 to 6 months after a single treatment session. However, many patients have reported seeing an earlier response.

How many treatments will I need?

Thermage has produced results in the majority of patients in a single treatment, unlike many laser procedures which require up to four or more sessions. Your physician will determine the coarse of treatment that is right for you.

How long does it take and when can return to my normal 


The Thermage procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the testament area. Additional time may be required for skin preparation prior to the procedure. Most people return to their regular activities immediately following the Thermage procedure. Some people experience mild redness (like a sunburn) but it usually disappears quickly. No special care is needed after treatment unless otherwise instructed by your physician

Deana Clark and Kimberly Silveira of BodyLogic Laser and Skin Solutions in Delray Beach offer the treatment and post skin care regimen using I'm Fabulous Biophotonic Skin Care products for best results!

Enzyme Peel for sensitive skin

Enzyme Peel


Active organic enzymes make this botanical peel a powerful tool for tuning back the clock. 

Fabulous enzymes scavenge damaged, diseased, and dead skin cells in order to make room for new skin tissue and collagen to fill in the skins upper dermal layer for optimal radiance. 

Gotu Kola is a proven collagen stimulant proven to work 120 times more effectively than synthetic collagen replacement therapies. 

Reishi mushroom carries Asiatic Acid to the cells for damage restoration, fading of sun spots and damage, wrinkle reduction, and boosting of cellular hydration. 

Effectively used twice a week to daily use depending on skin types. Helps to clear clogged pores, minimizes skin eruptions, and fights the march of time across your face with gentle and effective clinically proven skin rejuvenating factors. 

This peel tingle a little when you apply it to the skin. For more information and how to order online go to

Directions for Use: Apply, leave on for 10 minutes, and gently scrub to remove. Safe and gentle enough for daily use. Dryer skin types will want to use once or twice a week and oilier skin types can use daily.

What's the Best Treatment for Deep Wrinkles?

Fine Lines
Deep Wrinkles

Deep wrinkles have a lot of treatment options

It really depends on where the wrinkles are located. Wrinkles occur because of skin damage, loss of volume and progressive changes to the skin through continual muscle movement. What happens when you age is you progressively lose volume from losing thickness within your skin, loss of fat, bone atrophy, etc.
It is analogous to a grape shrinking into a raisin. Raisins obviously have a lot of wrinkles compared to a grape. We have traditionally improved the appearance of the raisin by cutting the raisins skin and removing it. The raisin may look better but it won't necessarily look much younger like a grape again. This is the same as it is in people.
Volumizing a persons face can make a huge difference in making someone look younger in a natural way. Volumizing also has the ability to increase the thickiness of the skin and its distance from the muscular envelope. This increase in distance makes it harder for the muscles to create wrinkles. Once the face is volumized, you can then improve the etched in wrinkles with resurfacing means such as lasers and chemical peels or dermabrasionBotox prevents the appearance of wrinkles by preventing the muscle from moving.




I'm Fabulous® Firming and Lifting creamtightens and tones the skin for a younger-looking appearance. Coenzyme Q10 protects the skin from free-radical damage and promotes elasticity. 

Glycolic and Alpha Hydroxy acid boost cell renewal and collagen production. Lactic acid exfoliates dead skin cells to reduce the appearance of age spots and hyperpigmentation. Sunflower, coconut and avocado oils moisturize and nourish the skin. 

Bee propolis and royal jelly preserve and restore proteins and enzymes for anti-aging action as well as amino acid protein building blocks for younger skin. 

Peptides work at a deeper level to smooth and tone, and Hyaluronic Acid holds 1000 times its moisture to plump up wrinkled under-eyes. This cream is absolutely amazing! Not oily or greasy on the skin.

Actives like wild indigo and Mullein scavenge free radicals and superior plant oils nourish and make you younger while you sleep.

Directions for Use: Apply all over face, neck and decolette.  For sensitive skin use only at night; for normal to oily skin can be used morning and night.  Apply after washing, toning and  then a serum.  Can be used under makeup. You can order the firming and lifting cream at