Sea Kelp Bioferment for skin care

In addition, the principle of fermentation allows for the isolation and concentration of naturally occurring phytochemicals.

It can be used in creams and lotions, toners, shampoo and other personal care products The fermentation process increases the bioavailability of many chemical compounds by freeing them from the food matrix to which they are typically bound.

Sea Kelp Bioferment is a natural kelp extract that is obtained using traditional fermentation technology. Sea Kelp Bioferment is an excellent moisturizer. I'm Fabulous Cosmetics laboratory use it in their formulation.

Aging: Why Organic Skin Care is Better!

Topical supplements that have not oxidized and retain their anti-oxidant power do more to prevent and repair damage than anything else you can put on your skin. Your body works hard every day to keep you healthy, but it can only work with what you feed it. 

1) Inhibit glycation. UV exposure and age compromise barrier function, so in particular as we get older we need to keep the surface replenished with oils high in EFA’s. 

We are told to eat blueberries for their anti-oxidant properties, but guess what, your skin needs its daily anti-oxidants too. 

2) Your Skin is What it Eats. This is the same rationale that applies to taking EFA supplements daily, which most of us after a certain age do. 

Daniel Maes, Vice President, Global Research and Development for Estee Lauder, had this to say "We now know that between 40 and 50% of skin ageing is caused by glycation - the damage directly resulting from eating sugar. 

3) Give your skin the oil it craves. Diet is important (not too much sugar! ) but topical anti-oxidants also help counteract glycation by increasing the amount of anti-oxidants available to the skin. The same line of reasoning that has people flocking to organic foods while avoiding processed fast-food has applies to what you put on your skin. 

Nature provides us with an environmental protection barrier, made up of dead skin cells held together by lipids. 

4) Prevent free radical damage. It’s one of the worst skin agers; more than sun, more than the environment. A healthy skin, like a healthy gut, is alive with bacteria. 

5) Balance bacteria. Without bacteria we would not be alive, and bacteria on the skin keeps our largest organ healthy and blemish-free. Glycation inhibitors like aminoguandine and l-carnosine also help prevent collagen destruction. 

Ultimately, we are what we eat, and the same goes for what our skin eats The trick is to keep friendly and not-so friendly bacteria (like P. This is because sugars attract moisture, while petroleum acts as an occlusive, accomplishing moisture retention by setting up a physical barrier. 

6) Protect the surface. acneens on the skin, the one responsible for Acne) in balance. The proof is in the putting (on, that is), and here a just a few reasons why. Unprocessed, natural food is not just better for you, it tastes better. 

Dr. Oils penetrate deeper below the surface of the skin, and since lipids dissolve lipids this is the best way of clearing up impacted, congested skin. You do this by using oils to lubricate and deep clean. " Glycation is a process whereby the formation of protein-sugar compounds promotes increased production of brittle, cross-linked collagen fibers, making the skin stiff and inflexible. Free radicals damage skin cell membranes and even DNA, which leads ultimately to visible signs of aging and wrinkles. 

Some oils like emu oil and red raspberry oil are also anti-microbial as well as deeply moisturizing. Humectants add moisture to the skin, but complex sugars (polysaccharides) like those found in green tea do a better job than petroleum based products like petrolatum and propylene glycol in preventing transepidermal water loss. Nature cleans skin from the basal cell layer up, by secreting oils that carry dirt to the surface of the skin. 

7) Give your skin a drink. With natural skin food you’ll not just feel better, you’ll LOOK better. You can also use a probiotic rich food like yoghurt, high in friendly bacteria, to help maintain the balance of bacteria found in healthy skin.

Skin Caviar serum


Beauty, harmony and rejuvenation

The Art of Beauty is the hallmark of impeccable attention to elegance and pleasure. It offers a place to abandon your high pressure, high profile life for an hour, a day, or an endless holiday of utter sybaritic enjoyments. It is an extraordinary oasis, where luxury, beauty and rejuvenation are yours for the asking.

Laboratoires La Prairie’s ascent to skin perfection unveiled a state-of-the-art range of cellular
treatments based on the La Prairie’s exclusive Cellular Complex. Only found in La Prairie
products, these age-fighting ingredients deliver nutrients essential to the health, vitality and
overall appearance of your skin.

La Prairie products help prolong the youthful appearance of even the most delicate skin.
Each one confronts the problem of premature aging, environmental hazards and the stress
of contemporary life. La Prairie is a beauty company with an unparalleled commitment
to excellence, luxury and the science of skincare.

These potent, engineered serums employ a direct, fast-acting delivery system, which penetrates the skin to target specific problems related to aging skin. 

Used in tandem with other skincare treatments, they provide intense and highly effective corrective and preventive action.   $500

Wrinkle creams: Your guide to younger looking skin

When it comes to anti-aging products, it's important to know what active ingredients are really at hand. Here are seven product-oriented ingredients that are truly changing skin. With all the danger of chemicals organic creams or serums are highly recommend!

Many wrinkle creams and lotions sold in department stores, in drugstores and on the Internet promise to reduce wrinkles and prevent or reverse damage caused by the sun.
Do they work? Research suggests that some wrinkle creams contain ingredients that may improve the appearance of wrinkles. But many of these ingredients haven't undergone scientific research to prove this benefit. Also most creams sold in drugstore have very little actives ingredients, then cream or serums sold online or in department stores. The more the price go up the more potent the creams or serums will be in active ingredients.
If you're looking for a face-lift in a bottle, you probably won't find it in over-the-counter (nonprescription) wrinkle creams. But they may slightly improve the appearance of your skin, depending on how long you use the product and the amount and type of the active ingredient in the wrinkle cream. Brand like La Prairie, Revive and I'm Fabulous are super potent in actives ingredients and might be the face-lift in a bottle!!!! 
Great Anti-aging ingredients who want to look for in 2012 and 2013:
- Retinol 1 or 2%
- Peptides
- Sea Kelp
- Lactic
- Hyaluronic Acid in high concentration
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Q10
- Green Tea

What is Renovage ?

Renovage is an anti aging serum that works on the DNA levels of the origin of youth and targets the cell actors which guarantee lifespan and youth. 
The age that we attribute to a face is a global assessment unconsciously based on several visual signs that are additive.

Renovage works with a component of the DNA of the skin, called telomeres. 

Telomeres appear as caps on the strands of DNA that are found within the skin and have a finite life span, and shorten over time. 

Throughout one's life and at the cellular level, telomeres shorten and are eventually depleted. Once a sufficient number of telomeres succumb, we begin to see deep lines, wrinkles and sagging in the facial area. 

Renovage treats the skin, beginning with the skin cells, allowing an increase in the life span of the telomeres. Clinically proven to improve the various signs of aging, Renovage™ visibly reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, large pores and skin redness. It can also work to increase the skin’s natural moisture content and barrier function, promote firmer, stronger skin, and improve skin texture working at the DNA level. 

1. Function loss. Clinical tests proved that the use of Renovage replenished 60% of the functions your skin performs, that it has been lacking in, due to mature age.

2. Cell resistance . Clinical tests improved 75 to 100% the skins ability to regenerate itself, and combat on its own the toxins and forces of age that cause redness, enlarged poors, sun spots, and wrinkles.

3. Self-defense. Clinical tests showed an improvement of 100% in the skins ability to fight off signs of aging, on a continued basis after treatment with Renovage was begun.

4. Wound healing capacity. Your skin's ability to heal itself, not only from things like cuts and scars, but what are actually "wounds" like wrinkles, lines and sun spots.

Organic Enzyme Mask Great For You!


We have tested and adore this amazing Enzyme Organic Mask!!!!!!!

Active organic enzymes make this botanical peel a powerful tool for tuning back the clock. 

Fabulous enzymes scavenge damaged, diseased, and dead skin cells in order to make room for new skin tissue and collagen to fill in the skins upper dermal layer for optimal radiance. 

Gotu Kola is a proven collagen stimulant proven to work 120 times more effectively than synthetic collagen replacement therapies. 

Reishi mushroom carries Asiatic Acid to the cells for damage restoration, fading of sun spots and damage, wrinkle reduction, and boosting of cellular hydration. 

Effectively used twice a week to daily use depending on skin types. 

Helps to clear clogged pores, minimizes skin eruptions, and fights the march of time across your face with gentle and effective clinically proven skin rejuvenating factors.

Mother' s Day Fabulous Gift Box 2012

Mother 's Day May 13th 2012 is almost here! It is time you spoil your mom with some fabulous anti-aging skin care products!

MOTHER DAY Gift Box saving options:

With any 3 serums receive a choice of a Bio Gorgeous Peel, Lunch peel or Gorgeous Peel for free! You get 4 products in your fabulous gift Box.

Ultra firming serum

Ultra firming serum

72% Organic

Incredible New Powerful Serum!  

Your skin will be transformed seemingly overnight! 

Peptides create stimulation of collagen 1, collagen 111, and elastin fibroblasts. This stimulation supports the healing and repair response in the skin, increases skin thickness, refines the appearance of wrinkles, evens skin tone and texture, and restores elasticity and firmness to the skin. Vitamin A, Panthenol, Hyaluronic Acid, and CoQ10 work at a cellular level to regenerate young, healthy, firm skin. 

You can order it at

Why you should clean your skin with a mask, remove impurities

Clean your skin with a mask, remove impurities! 

Let your skin breath! 

If you keep of the daily excess oils, dirt, from every day pollution your pores will become black and congested, then hard to remove and making your pores enlarges. 

The more you clean your skin and remove impurities from everyday pollution the smaller your pores will stay.

Your skin will look better and younger with smaller pores and with a fine complexion.

Choose a mask that is organic or made of natural ingredients.

We love the Magic Exfoliating Mask, the Sea Kelp Mask - Ultra Whitening - Organic and the Enzyme Peel.