Aging: Why Organic Skin Care is Better!

Topical supplements that have not oxidized and retain their anti-oxidant power do more to prevent and repair damage than anything else you can put on your skin. Your body works hard every day to keep you healthy, but it can only work with what you feed it. 

1) Inhibit glycation. UV exposure and age compromise barrier function, so in particular as we get older we need to keep the surface replenished with oils high in EFA’s. 

We are told to eat blueberries for their anti-oxidant properties, but guess what, your skin needs its daily anti-oxidants too. 

2) Your Skin is What it Eats. This is the same rationale that applies to taking EFA supplements daily, which most of us after a certain age do. 

Daniel Maes, Vice President, Global Research and Development for Estee Lauder, had this to say "We now know that between 40 and 50% of skin ageing is caused by glycation - the damage directly resulting from eating sugar. 

3) Give your skin the oil it craves. Diet is important (not too much sugar! ) but topical anti-oxidants also help counteract glycation by increasing the amount of anti-oxidants available to the skin. The same line of reasoning that has people flocking to organic foods while avoiding processed fast-food has applies to what you put on your skin. 

Nature provides us with an environmental protection barrier, made up of dead skin cells held together by lipids. 

4) Prevent free radical damage. It’s one of the worst skin agers; more than sun, more than the environment. A healthy skin, like a healthy gut, is alive with bacteria. 

5) Balance bacteria. Without bacteria we would not be alive, and bacteria on the skin keeps our largest organ healthy and blemish-free. Glycation inhibitors like aminoguandine and l-carnosine also help prevent collagen destruction. 

Ultimately, we are what we eat, and the same goes for what our skin eats The trick is to keep friendly and not-so friendly bacteria (like P. This is because sugars attract moisture, while petroleum acts as an occlusive, accomplishing moisture retention by setting up a physical barrier. 

6) Protect the surface. acneens on the skin, the one responsible for Acne) in balance. The proof is in the putting (on, that is), and here a just a few reasons why. Unprocessed, natural food is not just better for you, it tastes better. 

Dr. Oils penetrate deeper below the surface of the skin, and since lipids dissolve lipids this is the best way of clearing up impacted, congested skin. You do this by using oils to lubricate and deep clean. " Glycation is a process whereby the formation of protein-sugar compounds promotes increased production of brittle, cross-linked collagen fibers, making the skin stiff and inflexible. Free radicals damage skin cell membranes and even DNA, which leads ultimately to visible signs of aging and wrinkles. 

Some oils like emu oil and red raspberry oil are also anti-microbial as well as deeply moisturizing. Humectants add moisture to the skin, but complex sugars (polysaccharides) like those found in green tea do a better job than petroleum based products like petrolatum and propylene glycol in preventing transepidermal water loss. Nature cleans skin from the basal cell layer up, by secreting oils that carry dirt to the surface of the skin. 

7) Give your skin a drink. With natural skin food you’ll not just feel better, you’ll LOOK better. You can also use a probiotic rich food like yoghurt, high in friendly bacteria, to help maintain the balance of bacteria found in healthy skin.